Arduino Parts

Arduino Parts

Browse various sensors & interfacing modules for Arduino.

XBee S1 1mW Module, Zigbee, BTBee, Adapter Explorer USB Board, Hitec HS-55 Standard Feather Micro Servo, Bluetooth USB Module, Xbee WIFI Module, Memsic 2125 Accelerometer, PMB-688 GPS Int / Ext Antenna, PIR Sensor, PING Ultrasonic sensor, 2-Axis Joystick, RFID Card Reader Serial-TTL, RFID Read-Write Module, Hitec HS-311 Standard Economy Servo, Hitec HS-322HD Standard Heavy Duty Servo, Hitec HS-805BB Mega Torque Quarter Scale Specialty Giant Servo, Hitec HS-81 Standard Mini Servo, Hitec HS-81 Standard Mini Servo, Hitec HS-82MG Metal Gear Micro Servo,Hitec HS-5485HB Standard Karbonite Digital Servo, compass Module 3-Axis HMC5883L, Altimeter Module MS5607, gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D, PIR Sensor Standard Motion Detection Module, Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module - RESO!, Emic 2 Text to Speech Module TTS, Heart Rate(Beat) Sensing Module, Serial Enabled LCD 2x16, Backlit, Dual Relay Board Kit, TSL235R Light to Frequency Converter, TinkerKit Mosfet Module, Pulse Sensor, EKG EMG Pasive electrodes, 5-Position Switch

DHT11 Module for Temperature Humidity Environment sensing and monitoring

DHT11 Module for Temperature Humidity Environment sensing and monitoring

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module for Environment sensing and monitoring, a high performa..


Flex Sensor 2.2 inch for Arduino Raspberry PI

Flex Sensor 2.2 inch for Arduino Raspberry PI

Flex Sensor 2.2 inch for Arduino Raspberry PI. As the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the se..


Force FSR Pressure Sensor Square type for Arduino Raspberry PI

Force FSR Pressure Sensor Square type for Arduino Raspberry PI

This is a force sensitive resistor with a square, 1.75x1.5", sensing area. This FSR will vary its re..


HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module for Arduino Raspberry PI

HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module for Arduino Raspberry PI

HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module for Arduino Raspberry PI for Object Detection and Distance..


IR Infrared Obstacle-Line Sensor Module for Robot Arduino Raspberry PI

IR Infrared Obstacle-Line Sensor Module for Robot Arduino Raspberry PI

IR Infrared Obstacle-Line Sensor Module for Robot Arduino Raspberry PI Connection : VCC-VCC; GND-..


ISD1820 Voice-Sound Recording-Playback Module for Arduino Raspberry PI

ISD1820 Voice-Sound Recording-Playback Module for Arduino Raspberry PI

This voice record/playback device is based on ISD1820 chip, which can record/playback multiple-messa..


Keypad 4×4 Matrix 16-Key Membrane Switch Button for Arduino Raspberry PI

Keypad 4×4 Matrix 16-Key Membrane Switch Button for Arduino Raspberry PI

Keypad 4×4 Matrix 16-Key Membrane Switch Button for Arduino Raspberry PI Features  Ultra-..


L298 Motor Driver Module | 2A Dual Channel PWM Control | For Robotics Arduino Raspberry PI

L298 Motor Driver Module | 2A Dual Channel PWM Control | For Robotics Arduino Raspberry PI

L298 Motor Driver Module, 2A Dual Channel total 4A, PWM Control for motors variable speed, with back..


LDR Light Sensor Module for Arduino raspberry PI

LDR Light Sensor Module for Arduino raspberry PI

LDR Light Sensor Module for Arduino raspberry PI, use it as light sensing switch with relay modules ..


LM35 Temperature Sensor for Arduino

LM35 Temperature Sensor for Arduino

The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linear..


Metal touch sensor module for Arduino Raspberry PI

Metal touch sensor module for Arduino Raspberry PI

Outputs a signal if the metal part of the Sensor was touched. You can adjust the sensitivity of..


MG995 Metal Gear TowerPro Servo Motor 180 degree Rotation for Robotics Arduino Raspberry PI

MG995 Metal Gear TowerPro Servo Motor 180 degree Rotation for Robotics Arduino Raspberry PI

MG995 Metal Gear TowerPro Servo Motor 180 degree Rotation for Robotics Arduino Raspberry PI Torqu..


Showing 1 to 12 of 61 (6 Pages)