IMU Inertial Measurement

MPU6050 GY-521 Six Axis 6DOF Accelerometer-Gyroscope Module
Features: On-board MPU - 6050 integrated 6 axis motion processing chip On-board LDO chip, supp..
9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU
The 9DOF Razor IMU incorporates three sensors - an ITG-3200 (triple-axis gyro), ADXL345 (triple-axis..
9 Degrees of Freedom - Sensor Stick - ADXL345/ HMC5883L/ ITG3200 - I2C
The 9DOF Sensor stick is a very small sensor board with 9 degrees of freedom. It includes the ADXL34..
APM 2.8 flight controller Autopilot Ardupilot Arducopter
It allows the user to turn any fixed, rotary wing or multirotor vehicle (even cars and boats) into a..
DIYDrones ArduIMU+ V3 flight controller
Features: 3-Axis gyro with sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of ±250, ±500..
IMU Fusion Board 6-axis - ADXL345 and IMU3000
The IMU 3000 breakout features a 3-axis digital gyro with programmable ranges from +-250 to +-2000 d..
SparkFun 9DOF IMU Breakout LSM9DS0
This is the LSM9DS0, a versatile motion-sensing system-in-a-chip that houses a 3-axis accelerometer,..