Khepera Robot

Khepera Robot

KTEAM Khepera IV Research Robot

KTEAM Khepera IV Research Robot

Khepera IV embeds state of the art features.The Khepera IV is a compact robot designed for any indoo..


Khepera IV External Charger Pack

Khepera IV External Charger Pack

The K4 external charger pack is an option to the expansion board. Composed by two batteries, an exte..


Khepera IV Gripper Extension

Khepera IV Gripper Extension

The gripper is a turret that can be plugged on the robot. It gives to the Khepera IV the ability to ..


Khepera IV Indoor Global Positioning System - Stargrazer

Khepera IV Indoor Global Positioning System - Stargrazer

The Stargazer is a module allowing the Khepera IV robot to have indoor global position and bearing f..


Khepera IV Laser Range Finder Module

Khepera IV Laser Range Finder Module

It is used to do navigation, specially for mapping and localization. A laser inside the sensor is sc..


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